牌号 | 类型 | 用途 |
1Cr18Ni9Ti | 奥氏体型 | 使用广泛,适用于食品、化工、医药、原子能工业。Widely uesd in food,chemical,pharmaceutical and nuclear power industries.
OCr25Ni20 | 奥氏体型 | 炉用材料,汽车排气净化装置用材料。Uwed as materiale gor furnace and exhaust gas cleaning systems of automobiles.
1Cr18Ni9 | 奥氏体型 | 经冷加工有高的强度,建筑用装饰部件。High strength after cold forming,used as decorative materials og buildings.
OCr18Ni9 | 奥氏体型 | 作为不锈耐热钢使用最广泛,食品用设备,一般化工设备,原子能工业用。As aheat resisting stainless steel,widely sued in manufact uring og equipment for food,general chemical and nuclear power industries.
OOCr19Ni10 | 奥氏体型 | 用于抗晶间腐蚀性要求高的化学、煤炭、石油产业的野外露天机械、建材、耐热零件及热处理有困难德零件。Used to manufacture outdoor equipment,building materials,heat-resistant parts and parts that are difficult to make heat treatment for chemical,coal,petroleumindustries that have high repuirements for their intergranular corrosion resistant proper ties.
OCr17Ni12Mo2 | 奥氏体型 | 适用于在海水和其它截止中,主要作耐点蚀材料,照相、食品工业、沿海地区设施、绳索、CD杆、螺栓、螺母。Suitable for seawater and other medium applications,mainly used as pit corrosion resistant materrial to produce equip ment for photographic and food industries,and the inst-allations,rope,CD rod,bolts and nuts along the sea coast.
OOCr17Ni14Mo2 | 奥氏体型 | 为OCr17Ni12Mo2的超低碳钢,用于对抗晶间腐蚀性有特别要求的产品。Ultra-low carbon type of OCr17Ni12Mo2 steel.sued to manufacture products which have special requirements for intergranular corrosion resistant properties.
1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti | 奥氏体型 | 用于抗盐酸、磷酸、甲酸、乙酸的设备,有良好的耐晶间腐蚀性。Excellent intergranular corrosion resistant properties,suitable to manufacture the equipment which resist to sulphuric acids.phosphonic acide.formic acids andacetic acids.
OCr18Ni12Mo2Ti | 奥氏体型 | 同上ditto
OCr18Ni10Ti | 奥氏体型 | 添加Ti提高耐晶间腐蚀,不推荐作装饰部件。Its intergranular corrosion resistane properties are enhanced bu the addition of Ti.It is not recommended to use as decorative materials.
OCr16Ni14 | 奥氏体型 | 无磁不锈钢,作电子元件。Nonmagnetic stainless steel,suitable to manufacture electronic parts.
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